List of 100+ modern baby boy names hindu with meanings

Babynames are important for any parents so they should be a blend of tradition and contemporary. Here are the modern baby boy names hindu 2024 straight up in the new year, and these names will make your little boy look cool and unique. Both names have cultural meanings and yet both sound current and trendy. Check our list of the best traditional and trendy First Nations names to choose the name that will satisfies your culture and style.

Top 100 modern baby boy names hindu for 2024

Name (English)Name (Hindi)MeaningPronunciationCulture/OriginStylePopularity (2024)
AaravआरवPeaceful, CalmAh-rahvHindu/IndianModern, StylishHigh
VivaanविवानFull of LifeVi-vaanHindu/SanskritContemporaryMedium
Advikअद्विकUniqueAd-vikHindu/SanskritRare, TrendyRising
ReyanshरेयांशPart of the SunRey-an-shHindu/IndianClassic, ModernHigh
AahanआहानDawn, MorningAa-hanHindu/IndianModern, FreshMedium
Dakshदक्षCompetent, TalentedDak-shHindu/SanskritStylishHigh
AarushआरुषFirst Ray of the SunAa-rooshHindu/IndianTrendy, ModernMedium
Krishivकृष्णिवCombination of Krishna & ShivaKri-shivHindu/IndianModern, UniqueRising
IshaanईशानLord Shiva, SunIsh-aanHindu/SanskritClassic, ModernHigh
Aaradyaआराध्यWorthy of WorshipAa-ra-dhyaHindu/IndianStylishMedium
VihaanविहानMorning, DawnVi-haanHindu/SanskritFresh, TrendyHigh
ArinअरिनMountain of StrengthA-rinHindu/IndianModern, BoldMedium
Aarvinअर्विनFresh WaterAar-vinHindu/IndianContemporaryRising
Rudraरुद्रFierce, Lord ShivaRud-raHindu/IndianStrong, StylishHigh
ReyaanरेयानFame, Lord VishnuRey-aanHindu/SanskritModern, StylishMedium
AayushआयुषLong LifeAa-yushHindu/IndianClassic, FreshHigh
Shauryaशौर्यBraveryShaw-ryaHindu/SanskritBold, TrendyMedium
DevanshदेवांशPart of GodDe-van-shHindu/SanskritStylishHigh
Pranavप्रणवSacred Sound OmPra-navHindu/IndianClassic, ModernMedium
AyanshअयांशPart of ParentsA-yan-shHindu/IndianFresh, TrendyRising
Anvitअन्वितLeader, GuideAn-vitHindu/SanskritModern, UniqueMedium
AarishआरिशFirst Ray of Sun, IntelligentAa-rishHindu/IndianStylish, TrendyMedium
Darshदर्शHandsomeDar-shHindu/IndianFresh, ModernHigh
RiaanरियानLittle KingRee-aanHindu/IndianContemporaryRising
Lakshलक्षAim, TargetLak-shHindu/SanskritStrong, ModernMedium
NishithनिशिथNight, MidnightNi-shithHindu/SanskritModern, BoldMedium
DivitदिवितImmortalDi-vitHindu/SanskritUnique, StylishMedium
Prathamप्रथमFirst, ForemostPra-thamHindu/SanskritClassic, ModernHigh
Akarshआकर्षAttractive, CharmingAa-karshHindu/IndianModern, FreshMedium
TanayतनयSonTa-nayHindu/IndianSimple, ModernHigh
YashयशFame, GloryYa-shHindu/SanskritClassic, ModernHigh
Arjunअर्जुनBright, ShiningAr-junHindu/IndianClassic, StrongHigh
ReyaanshरेयांशFirst Ray of SunRey-aan-shHindu/IndianModern, UniqueMedium
TanishतानिशAmbitionTa-nishHindu/SanskritTrendy, FreshRising
Aaravyaआरव्यPeaceful, NobleAa-rav-yaHindu/IndianModern, ElegantMedium
AarohआरोहUplift, AscendAa-rohHindu/SanskritStylish, UniqueMedium
Nakshनक्षMoon, FeatureNak-shHindu/IndianTrendy, ModernHigh
Hridaanह्रिदानGreat HeartHri-daanHindu/IndianModern, UniqueRising
DarvishदरविशGentle, HumbleDar-vishHindu/IndianModern, FreshMedium
Aryanआर्यनNobleAr-yanHindu/IndianClassic, StrongHigh
Advaithअद्वैतUnique, One and OnlyAd-vaithHindu/SanskritRare, TrendyMedium
RaghavराघवLord RamaRa-ghavHindu/IndianClassic, StrongHigh
Parthपार्थKing, PrincePar-thHindu/SanskritModern, ClassicMedium
AnshअंशPart, PortionAn-shHindu/IndianSimple, ModernMedium
ReyanरेयानFame, FlowRey-anHindu/IndianFresh, TrendyMedium
AnayअनयWithout a SuperiorA-nayHindu/SanskritModern, UniqueMedium
ShaanशानPrideShaanHindu/IndianTrendy, FreshRising
AyaanअयानGift of GodAa-yaanHindu/IndianStylish, ModernHigh
VedantवेदांतKnowledge, WisdomVe-dantHindu/SanskritClassic, ModernHigh
IvaanइवानGod’s Gracious GiftI-vaanHindu/IndianModern, FreshMedium
Suryanshसुर्यांशSun’s PartSur-yan-shHindu/IndianTrendy, UniqueMedium
Atharvअथर्वName of VedaA-tharvHindu/SanskritClassic, StrongHigh

Top 100 Modern Hindu Baby Boy Names for 2024

ReyaanshरेयांशFirst Ray of SunRey-aan-shHindu/IndianModern, UniqueMedium
TanishतानिशAmbitionTa-nishHindu/SanskritTrendy, FreshRising
Aaravyaआरव्यPeaceful, NobleAa-rav-yaHindu/IndianModern, ElegantMedium
AarohआरोहUplift, AscendAa-rohHindu/SanskritStylish, UniqueMedium
Nakshनक्षMoon, FeatureNak-shHindu/IndianTrendy, ModernHigh
Hridaanह्रिदानGreat HeartHri-daanHindu/IndianModern, UniqueRising
DarvishदरविशGentle, HumbleDar-vishHindu/IndianModern, FreshMedium
Aryanआर्यनNobleAr-yanHindu/IndianClassic, StrongHigh
Advaithअद्वैतUnique, One and OnlyAd-vaithHindu/SanskritRare, TrendyMedium
RaghavराघवLord RamaRa-ghavHindu/IndianClassic, StrongHigh
Parthपार्थKing, PrincePar-thHindu/SanskritModern, ClassicMedium
AnshअंशPart, PortionAn-shHindu/IndianSimple, ModernMedium
ReyanरेयानFame, FlowRey-anHindu/IndianFresh, TrendyMedium
AnayअनयWithout a SuperiorA-nayHindu/SanskritModern, UniqueMedium
ShaanशानPrideShaanHindu/IndianTrendy, FreshRising
AyaanअयानGift of GodAa-yaanHindu/IndianStylish, ModernHigh
VedantवेदांतKnowledge, WisdomVe-dantHindu/SanskritClassic, ModernHigh
IvaanइवानGod’s Gracious GiftI-vaanHindu/IndianModern, FreshMedium
Suryanshसुर्यांशSun’s PartSur-yan-shHindu/IndianTrendy, UniqueMedium
Atharvअथर्वName of VedaA-tharvHindu/SanskritClassic, StrongHigh
EshaanईशानDesiring and WishingE-shaanHindu/SanskritUnique, ClassicMedium
AarvikआरविकBlessed, GracefulAa-rvikHindu/IndianModern, ElegantMedium
Shauryaशौर्यValor, BraveryShaur-yaHindu/SanskritStrong, StylishRising
DevanshदेवांशPart of GodDe-van-shHindu/SanskritStylishHigh
MananमननThought, MeditationMa-nanHindu/IndianClassic, ModernMedium
ReyaanshरेयांशPart of the SunRey-aan-shHindu/IndianTrendy, UniqueMedium
Takshतक्षKing Bharata’s SonTak-shHindu/SanskritModern, StrongMedium
AarivआरिवKing of WisdomAa-rivHindu/IndianModern, UniqueHigh
HrithikऋतिकFrom the HeartHri-thikHindu/IndianStylish, FreshHigh
Krishकृष्णLord KrishnaKrishHindu/IndianModern, ClassicHigh
ReyरेFlow, StreamReyHindu/IndianTrendy, SimpleMedium
VihaanविहानDawn, MorningVi-haanHindu/SanskritFresh, TrendyHigh
IvaanइवानGod’s Gracious GiftI-vaanHindu/IndianModern, FreshMedium
Dhruvध्रुवPole StarDhruvHindu/IndianClassic, StrongHigh
ReyomरयोमRay of LightRey-omHindu/IndianUnique, StylishMedium
Akarshआकर्षAttractive, CharmingAa-karshHindu/IndianModern, FreshMedium
VanshवंशGeneration, DynastyVanshHindu/IndianModern, ClassicMedium
KiaanकिआनGrace of GodKi-aanHindu/IndianStylish, ModernHigh
Arhaanअर्हानRuler, KingAr-haanHindu/IndianModern, StrongMedium
ReyanshरेयांशPart of the SunRey-an-shHindu/IndianTrendy, UniqueMedium
IshirइशिरPowerful, FireI-shirHindu/SanskritStrong, ModernMedium
KairavकैरवWhite LotusKai-ravHindu/SanskritFresh, ClassicMedium
AarushआरुषFirst Ray of the SunAa-rooshHindu/IndianTrendy, ModernMedium
AayushआयुषLong LifeAa-yushHindu/IndianClassic, FreshHigh
TejasतेजसRadiance, BrightnessTe-jasHindu/SanskritModern, StrongMedium
ReyaarरेयारWealthRey-aarHindu/IndianUnique, FreshMedium
KavinकाविनHandsome, BeautifulKa-vinHindu/IndianTrendy, StylishMedium
ReyashरेयशA Beam of LightRey-ashHindu/IndianModern, UniqueMedium
Aarnavअर्नवOcean, SeaAar-navHindu/IndianModern, BoldMedium
VirajविराजSplendor, RulerVi-rajHindu/SanskritStrong, ClassicHigh
Anvayअन्वयJoined, ConnectedAn-vayHindu/SanskritUnique, ModernMedium
ReyankरेयंकFame, RenownedRey-ankHindu/IndianFresh, ModernRising
Atharvaअथर्वName of VedaA-thar-vaHindu/SanskritClassic, StrongHigh
Reyarthरेयर्थWarrior, FighterRey-arthHindu/IndianStrong, BoldMedium
Darshanदर्शनVision, ReligiousDar-shanHindu/IndianClassic, ModernMedium
ShauravशौरवBrave, BoldShau-ravHindu/IndianStrong, StylishMedium
ReyvantरेयवंतWealthy, ProsperousRey-vantHindu/IndianModern, FreshMedium
AadithआदिथBeginning, SunAa-dithHindu/SanskritFresh, ModernMedium

Top 100 Modern Hindu Baby Boy Names for 2024

Popular Modern Hindu Baby Boy Names with Meanings?

NameMeaningOriginCultural Significance
AaravPeacefulSanskritRepresents tranquility, a quality valued in Hindu culture.
VihaanDawn/BeginningSanskritSymbolizes new beginnings, hope, and a bright future.
AdvikUniqueSanskritCelebrates individuality, important in diverse communities.
ReyanshRay of lightSanskritRepresents knowledge and enlightenment, valued in spirituality.
IvaanSunSanskritSignifies energy, vitality, and divinity.
KrishShort for KrishnaSanskritAssociated with Lord Krishna, a major deity in Hinduism.
AyaanGift of GodArabic/SanskritReflects gratitude and divine blessings.
DarshHandsomeSanskritRepresents beauty and physical appeal, often admired.
KianKingPersianSignifies leadership and strength, valued traits in culture.
RivanStarSanskritRepresents guidance and aspirations, similar to astrological significance.
RyaanA name of Lord VishnuSanskritHonors Lord Vishnu, the preserver in Hindu trinity.
AvirajBrillianceSanskritSymbolizes intelligence and excellence, important in education.
AnayWithout a leader (Lord Vishnu)SanskritReflects independence and strength of character.
YuvaanYouthfulSanskritRepresents vitality and energy, celebrated in youth culture.
DhruvPole starSanskritSymbol of steadfastness and guidance in life’s journey.
ArjunBright, shiningSanskritA hero of the Mahabharata, embodies valor and righteousness.
RaghavAnother name for Lord RamaSanskritSymbolizes virtue and moral duty in Hindu mythology.
SamarthPowerfulSanskritRepresents strength and capability, desired traits in society.
TanishAmbitionSanskritReflects aspirations and determination, culturally admired.
ParthKing; another name for ArjunSanskritRepresents leadership, valor, and a warrior spirit.
NirvaanLiberationSanskritSignifies freedom from the cycle of birth and rebirth, essential in Hindu philosophy.
AdvaitUnique; non-dualitySanskritRepresents the philosophical concept of oneness.
KavishGod of poetrySanskritHighlights the importance of art and literature in culture.
AgastyaName of a sageSanskritRepresents wisdom and knowledge, revered in spiritual texts.
AashviBlessing of GodSanskritReflects divine favor and blessings, culturally significant in prayers.
EkanshWhole; completeSanskritRepresents wholeness and unity, valued in family and community.
HarshithHappy, joyfulSanskritCelebrates joyfulness and positivity, important cultural traits.
SuryanshPart of the sunSanskritSymbolizes energy and vitality, culturally linked to prosperity.
DakshCompetent; capableSanskritRepresents skill and ability, valued in professional success.
RiddhimanProsperousSanskritReflects wealth and abundance, culturally significant for family prosperity.
OmkarThe sound of OmSanskritRepresents spiritual significance and the essence of creation.
AbhinavNew, freshSanskritCelebrates innovation and freshness, important in modern society.
KunalSon of Emperor AshokaSanskritHonors historical significance and leadership in culture.
CharvikIntelligentSanskritReflects the value placed on intellect and wisdom.
TarunYoung; youthfulSanskritRepresents vibrancy and potential in youth culture.
RithvikPriest; one who performs ritualsSanskritSignifies spiritual leadership and ritualistic significance in culture.
PranavSacred syllable OmSanskritRepresents the spiritual essence and significance of sound.
YashGlory, fameSanskritSymbolizes achievement and recognition, culturally esteemed.
NivaanLord ShivaSanskritHonors the divine, reflecting reverence in Hindu worship.
AashrayShelter; protectionSanskritRepresents security and support, valued in family structures.
KridanPlayfulSanskritCelebrates the joy of childhood and playfulness in culture.
ShivanshPart of Lord ShivaSanskritRepresents divinity and protection, culturally significant in rituals.
NishantEnd of night; dawnSanskritSymbolizes hope and new beginnings, culturally significant in daily life.
RiddheshLord of wealthSanskritReflects abundance and prosperity, important in cultural values.
AakshSky; heavenSanskritRepresents vastness and potential, significant in spiritual context.
BhavikWell-meaningSanskritReflects moral values and kindness, culturally respected.
JaiVictorySanskritSymbolizes triumph and success, celebrated in cultural narratives.
LakshyaAim; targetSanskritRepresents purpose and determination, valued in personal growth.
TanaySonSanskritSignifies lineage and family importance in culture.
AkshajEternal; immortalSanskritRepresents timelessness and spiritual significance.
PankajLotusSanskritSymbolizes purity and beauty, important in spiritual traditions.
ShivenLord ShivaSanskritHonors the divine and is significant in worship practices.
UtkarshProsperity; advancementSanskritRepresents success and progress, culturally esteemed in society.

Unique and Stylish Modern Hindu Baby Boy Names

Unique and Stylish Modern Hindu Baby Boy Names 2024

NameMeaningOriginCultural Significance
AadiThe beginningSanskritRepresents the start of life; often associated with Lord Vishnu.
ArinMountain strengthSanskritSymbolizes resilience and strength; reflects spiritual elevation.
AryaNoble; honorableSanskritA name associated with dignity and respect in Hindu culture.
BhuvEarthSanskritConnects to nature and the environment; symbolizes stability.
ChaiTea (symbol of warmth)ChinesePopular in India, signifies hospitality and comfort.
DakshCompetent; capableSanskritRepresents skill and capability; associated with Lord Shiva.
EanGod is graciousHebrewSignifies divine grace; resonates with faith and spirituality.
IvaanGod’s graceSanskritRepresents blessings and divine favor; associated with positivity.
JaanLifeSanskritA symbol of vitality; reflects the importance of life in Hinduism.
KianKingPersianImplies leadership and nobility; a mark of high status.
KrishLord KrishnaSanskritReflects devotion to Lord Krishna, a major deity in Hinduism.
LeelaDivine playSanskritRepresents the playful nature of the divine; relates to Krishna’s life.
NaanLight; raySanskritSymbolizes enlightenment; connects with knowledge and wisdom.
NeilChampion; blue; the cloudIrishReflects calmness and serenity; often associated with peace.
OmThe sacred soundSanskritRepresents the essence of the universe; considered the most sacred syllable.
ParthKing; princeSanskritAnother name for Arjuna, a hero of the Mahabharata; symbolizes bravery.
QuirBrave; cheerfulLatinSuggests courage and positivity; resonates with the warrior spirit.
RaviSunSanskritRepresents brightness and energy; associated with Lord Surya.
RishSaint; sageSanskritReflects wisdom and spiritual depth; important in Hindu philosophy.
RyaanA name of Lord VishnuSanskritConnects to divinity and protection; reflects devotion.
SahilShore; guideSanskritRepresents guidance and support; connects with stability.
SamPeacefulHebrewReflects harmony; important in Hindu culture for balanced living.
ShaiGift; presentHebrewRepresents blessings; connects with the act of giving.
SidLord Ganesh; successSanskritReflects success and wisdom; important in Hindu worship.
TejRadianceSanskritSymbolizes brightness and clarity; important in spiritual contexts.
UdayTo rise; dawnSanskritRepresents new beginnings; connects with the cycle of life.
VeerBraveSanskritSymbolizes courage; revered in many stories and myths.
VianFull of lifeLatinRepresents liveliness; significant in celebrating vitality.
YashGlory; fameSanskritRepresents success and recognition; highly valued in society.
ZianGod is graciousArabicRepresents divine favor; emphasizes spirituality.
AaravPeacefulSanskritReflects tranquility; a popular name in contemporary culture.
AashuQuick; fastSanskritSymbolizes agility; represents a dynamic character.
ArnavOceanSanskritRepresents depth and vastness; connected to the divine.
BanshFluteSanskritSymbolizes creativity and artistic expression; connects to Krishna.
ChaitConscious; aliveSanskritRepresents awareness; important in spiritual practices.
DhruvPole starSanskritSymbolizes steadfastness; a significant figure in Hindu mythology.
EshanLord ShivaSanskritRepresents divine grace and strength; widely worshipped in Hinduism.
HritikFrom the heartSanskritSymbolizes sincerity and love; reflects deep emotional connections.
KavyaPoem; poeticSanskritRepresents creativity; significant in literature and arts.
KunalSon of Emperor AshokaSanskritConnects to historical significance; symbolizes honor.
NikhilWhole; completeSanskritRepresents wholeness; significant in various spiritual teachings.
OmkarThe sound of OmSanskritRepresents the universe’s sound; essential in Hindu rituals.
PranBreath; lifeSanskritReflects vitality; essential for spiritual practices.
RaghavAnother name for Lord RamaSanskritSymbolizes virtue and righteousness; important in Ramayana.
SameerAir; breezeSanskritRepresents freshness and life; significant in poetry and literature.
TarunYoung; youthfulSanskritSymbolizes energy and potential; significant in personal development.
VikramBrave; powerfulSanskritRepresents heroism; significant in folklore and epic tales.
YuvanYoung; youthfulSanskritRepresents vitality; commonly associated with new beginnings.

Long and Elegant Modern Hindu Baby Boy Names 2024

NameMeaningOriginCultural Significance
AadhavBrightness; radiantSanskritRepresents enlightenment and positivity; significant in Hindu philosophy.
AaravindraPeaceful; calm; knowledgeableSanskritCombines peace and wisdom; reflects a serene personality.
AbhinandanCongratulations; celebrationSanskritRepresents joy and festivity; commonly used in auspicious occasions.
AdityavardhanOne who brings glory; sunSanskritConnects to solar deities; symbolizes strength and vitality.
AmriteshLord of nectarSanskritRepresents immortality; associated with divine blessings.
AnantapadmanabhaLord VishnuSanskritRepresents the eternal and boundless; signifies divinity.
ChandrashekarOne who wears the moonSanskritConnects to Lord Shiva; symbolizes beauty and serenity.
DhananjayOne who conquers wealthSanskritRepresents success and prosperity; significant in Hindu epics.
DharmendraKing of righteousnessSanskritConnects to moral and ethical values; important in Hindu philosophy.
EkachakraOne who is uniqueSanskritRepresents individuality; symbolizes a special place in society.
GaurinandanSon of Gauri (Parvati)SanskritRepresents divine connection; connects to Lord Krishna.
HarinarayanLord VishnuSanskritSymbolizes divine grace and protection; important in Hindu worship.
JagannathLord of the universeSanskritRepresents omnipresence; significant in cultural and spiritual contexts.
JanardhanaOne who helps peopleSanskritConnects to Lord Vishnu; symbolizes compassion and support.
KaushikFrom the lineage of KashyapaSanskritRepresents strength and wisdom; significant in Hindu epics.
LaxminarayanLord Vishnu and Goddess LakshmiSanskritSymbolizes wealth and prosperity; important in worship and rituals.
ManikandanOne who has a bell on his neckSanskritRepresents divine connection; significant in cultural contexts.
MukundarajKing of liberationSanskritRepresents freedom and spiritual growth; connects to divine qualities.
ParameshwarSupreme GodSanskritRepresents ultimate reality and divinity; important in Hindu belief.
PrabhakaranOne who shines with radianceSanskritConnects to brilliance and enlightenment; significant in spiritual teachings.
PundarikakshaLotus-eyed (another name for Vishnu)SanskritRepresents purity and divinity; significant in Hinduism.
RaghunandanSon of Raghu (Lord Rama)SanskritSymbolizes virtue and righteousness; important in Ramayana.
RishikeshLord of the sensesSanskritConnects to Lord Shiva; represents spiritual insight.
SatyavratOne who is committed to truthSanskritRepresents integrity and honesty; significant in Hindu ethics.
ShivaramLord Shiva and Lord RamaSanskritConnects to dual divinity; symbolizes strength and virtue.
SiddharthOne who has attained his goalsSanskritRepresents achievement and fulfillment; significant in spiritual pursuits.
SuryanarayanLord of the sunSanskritSymbolizes brightness and energy; significant in Hindu rituals.
TejomayFull of light; radiantSanskritRepresents enlightenment and positivity; significant in philosophy.
TrilokeshLord of the three worldsSanskritRepresents omnipresence; connects to cosmic significance.
UdaykiranRay of light at dawnSanskritSymbolizes new beginnings; connects to positivity and hope.
VachaspatiLord of speechSanskritRepresents eloquence and wisdom; important in literature and arts.
VaibhavkumarSon of prosperitySanskritRepresents wealth and success; significant in cultural contexts.
VaradarajanKing of boonsSanskritRepresents divine blessings; connects to Lord Vishnu.
VeereshwarLord of the braveSanskritSymbolizes courage and strength; important in cultural stories.
VishvambharLord of the universeSanskritRepresents omnipresence and divinity; significant in spiritual teachings.
YashodharOne who brings fameSanskritRepresents success and recognition; significant in cultural values.
AadhyaThe first oneSanskritSymbolizes beginnings; connects to Lord Ganesha.
AjeshInvincible; lord of victorySanskritRepresents strength and resilience; significant in spiritual contexts.
BhanuprakashSunlight; radiant lightSanskritConnects to brightness and positivity; important in symbolism.
DhanvantariGod of AyurvedaSanskritRepresents healing and wellness; significant in holistic practices.
HarishchandraKing of truthSanskritRepresents integrity and honor; significant in Indian folklore.
JagatguruTeacher of the worldSanskritSymbolizes wisdom and knowledge; connects to spirituality.
KalyaneshwarLord of auspiciousnessSanskritRepresents prosperity and good fortune; significant in rituals.
LaxminandanSon of Goddess LakshmiSanskritConnects to wealth and prosperity; significant in worship.
MaheshwarSupreme GodSanskritRepresents ultimate divinity; important in Hindu belief.
RaghavendraLord Rama’s followerSanskritSymbolizes devotion and righteousness; significant in spiritual practices.
SarveshwarLord of all; universalSanskritRepresents omnipresence and divinity; significant in spirituality.
ShivaprasadBlessed by Lord ShivaSanskritRepresents divine favor; important in Hindu worship.
SwaminathanLord MuruganSanskritConnects to divine guidance and protection; significant in festivals.
YagnavalkyaA sage known for his wisdomSanskritRepresents knowledge and enlightenment; significant in Vedic texts.
AabhiramPleasant; niceSanskritRepresents a pleasing personality; significant in social interactions.
AdithyakethuOne who shines like the sunSanskritSymbolizes brilliance and energy; significant in spiritual teachings.
ChiranjeeviImmortal; long-livedSanskritRepresents vitality and longevity; significant in cultural stories.
DevendranathLord of the GodsSanskritRepresents divinity and power; significant in Hindu belief systems.
HariprasadBlessed by Lord VishnuSanskritRepresents divine blessings; important in spiritual practices.
IshwarchandraThe divine moonSanskritSymbolizes brightness and clarity; significant in mythology.
KrishnachandraLord Krishna’s moonSanskritConnects to Lord Krishna; represents joy and prosperity.
RajendranathKing of KingsSanskritRepresents leadership and authority; significant in cultural contexts.
VedavyasaOne who knows the VedasSanskritRepresents wisdom and knowledge; significant in Hindu scriptures.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the best modern Hindu names for baby boys?

Some of the best modern Hindu names include Aarav, Vihaan, Devansh, and Krish.

How do I choose a modern Hindu name that’s meaningful?

Focus on names that align with your family’s cultural values and have positive meanings.

What are the trends in Hindu baby boy names for 2024?

Short, unique names with deep meanings and cultural relevance are trending for 2024.

What are some modern Hindu baby boy names that are trending in 2024?

Names like Aarav, Vivaan, Daksh, and Reyansh are popular choices for 2024. They offer a blend of modern appeal with cultural roots.

How can I choose a name that is both modern and traditional?

Look for names that have a modern sound but retain traditional meanings, like Advik (Unique) or Vihaan (Morning/Dawn).

Are there modern Hindu names that are rare?

Yes! Names like Aarvin (Fresh Water) and Aahan (Dawn) are unique and have gained attention for their distinctiveness.


Choosing a name for your baby boy is an exciting and meaningful decision. We hope this list of modern Hindu names for 2024 helps you find a name that resonates with your personal style and cultural heritage. Whether you’re looking for something trendy, traditional, or unique, there’s something here for every parent.

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